Friday, September 14, 2012

Four Days and Counting...

Anyone who knows me knows that it is my lifelong ambition to be even 2% the woman that Julie Andrews is. She is my idol. I believe she epitomizes elegance and talent and warmth and everything wonderful. So, if I can grow up to be as cool as she is on a not-cool day, I will be more than satisfied. When I found out on the last day of Winter Term this past year that I was accepted into the USTA Program by Austria's Fulbright commission, the first image that ran through my mind was that of Sister Maria running through the hills of Austria singing about how great it is to run through the hills singing. While my life this next year will sadly not be anything close to Maria's life, as much as I like to think it will be (Nazis, nunneries, naval captains, and puppet shows will probably not play a huge role in my daily life),  I am excited for the adventure I am about to embark on. Much like Maria, I'm extremely nervous. I identify with her sentiments in what is one of my favorite songs in the musical, "I Have Confidence." Just as she was leaving the life she knew to take responsibility for a bunch of kids she had never met, I am moving to a foreign country (to which I have never been), knowing almost nobody, feeling shaky on my language skills, about to take partial responsibility for the education of a group of European teenagers. I have no idea what to expect but, in the words of Maria von Trapp, "With each step I am more certain. Everything will turn out fine!" Despite the anxiety that has been setting in the past few weeks, I have confidence I'm looking forward to a thrilling, spontaneous adventure where I will meet interesting people, see beautiful things, and certainly learn all kinds of fascinating stuff.

Here's a quick overview of what exactly I'll be doing over there. Thanks to these folks, I will be an English teaching assistant at a high school (a Privat Gymnasium, to be precise). My primary responsibilities will be one-on-one and small group conversation practice, as well as presentations on various aspects of American culture, holidays, traditions, and daily life. I can't wait to share with these kids quintessential American things like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Rose Bowl, the meaning of a Homecoming Court, college rivalries, Election 2012, Mean Girls, and so much more. Hopefully I do my job well and maybe I can even get some of the older kids to apply to W&L :)

I'll try to post here regularly, keeping you updated on how everything goes, from daily life to big trips. Thanks for reading so far and don't be a stranger about keeping in touch!! I'll need a taste of home every once in a while!

Oh, and to answer the question most people are asking: I leave Tuesday September 18th!!