Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lessons Learned From My First (less than) 24 Hours in Austria

1. When you're the only person standing at the baggage claim and there are no more suitcases going around, your bag is more than likely lost. Standing there saying "please arrive please arrive please arrive" will not make it arrive. You will just look like a crazy american.

2. Bring a backpack and/or other large bag when grocery shopping. They do not have bags for you.

3. When you don't have a 1 Euro coin to use to unlock the carts at the grocery store, a quarter works just fine. But it will jam, and you wont get it back, and you will be forced to run away hoping no one deports you for breaking the cart payment system.

4. The word for conditioner is Pflegespuelung. At least I hope it is. Otherwise I could be putting something terrible in my hair.

5. People here greet each other with "Gruss Gott"

6. 50 Shades of Gray has made it to Austria, with the inventive title "Shades of Gray." Nobody bothered to translate it.

7. When you're searching for the administrative offices of the city and walk around the city center for 20 minutes, looking like a confused tourist, asking for directions and still failing, try the largest building in the entire place. The one staring you in the face. That's probably the one you're looking for.

8. Make sure you find the above building within its business hours. That helps.

9. Purkersdorf has a Schloss. Yes, Schloss as in the german word for palace. As in I live near a palace. As in I can indulge in princess fantasies every day. I know where I'm going whenever I'm sad.

10. Purkersdorf Schloss isn't actually as cool as it was in my mind. But that doesn't mean princess fantasies are out of the question.

In other news, Purkersdorf is absolutely delightful. I will explore more tomorrow and perhaps take some pictures. For now, though: I am settled with all my luggage in a room in the most beautiful house with a gorgeous garden that is literally a 2 minute walk from school. My supervising teacher is a doll and apparently the kiddos are very very excited for my arrival, so lets hope I meet their expectations! Stay tuned for more results of my city exploration tomorrow!


  1. Shades of Grey is a JASPER FFORDE book, NOT a weird Twilight fan-fiction S&M borderline-porn book.

    Just sayin'...

    1. I know that, Michal. Thank you very much. The author was not Jasper Fforde and there was a little picture of the 50 shades of Gray cover so I felt safe assuming that's what this was. Smartypants.
